CashnTech SCF System Process Flow
Due Diligence & KYC
Product Configuration
Create Companies
Program Configuration
User Roles Creation
Program Mapping
Create Invoice
Invoice Approvals
Disbursement & Repayment
1. Due Diligence & KYC Documentation
Complying to Due Diligence Requirements of Lenders
1. Due Diligence & KYC Documentation
2. Product Configuration
Starting out with basic product configurations to meet the needs of the users.
2. Product Configuration
3. Create Company Details
Adding necessary details about the companies involved in the transactions carried out on the platform
3. Create Company Details
4. Program Configuration
Configuring the Anchor led SCF program specifications and limits
4. Program Configuration
5. User Roles Creation
Creating user roles to clearly define the responsibilities and scope of each entity within the program
5. User Roles Creation
6. Program Mapping (Anchors And Vendors)
Automated mapping of vendors to the anchor-led programs to ensure a smooth workflow
6. Program Mapping (Anchors And Vendors)
Transaction Management
7. Invoice creation
The creation of invoices by the vendors (makers) on the platform and their approval by the checkers
7. Invoice creation
8. Invoice Approvals
The approval of invoices by the anchors and funding requests made to the lenders
8. Invoice Approvals
9. Disbursement and Repayment
Disbursement of funds to the vendors’ accounts and final repayment made by anchors to the lenders
9. Disbursement and Repayment
Interest is accrued automatically in the CashnTech system based on the number of days the loan is outstanding. Final repayment by the anchors to the lenders is either set up automatically or initiated by the anchors.
CashnTech Invoice Transactions Flow (Payables/Vendor Finance)